
by Anjali from Savda Ghevra Colony, Delhi

Photo of the bangle-seller by Anjali

Photo of the bangle-seller by Anjali


There was a wedding in the lane where Rosie lives. The lockdown was in force. The house where the wedding was to take place is a three storied one with chocolate-coloured tiles all over. Guests had come. Rosie’s mummy was also there. Everybody was wearing bangles on their wrists except Rosie. She felt very sad. She went to her room, took out the box of bangles. But it had bangles only of mummy’s size. They were too loose for her. She kept thinking “what should I do? The wedding is in a few days. Because of the lockdown, the hawker selling bangles does not come.”

Wearing a pallazo and a top, Rosie stood in front of the mirror. She is short in height and has very small hands. But she looks beautiful with her curly hair and round,black eyes. Her mummy dotes upon her. Actually she is not her mother. She is her aunt, her father’s sister who did not have a child of her own. She adopted Rosie.

She suddenly remembered that the father of her friend sells bangles. She went and told mummy about. They decided to go to him the day after. Rosie waited impatiently for the day. Early morning she kept looking at the clock. Mummy was washing utensils. Rosie asked her, “Do you remember something mummy?” “Yes, yes…I do. We have to go to get the bangles. Let me finish household chores. And you also have your bath and get ready.” 

Rosie had to wait the whole day. They were able to leave only by five in the evening. The streets were deserted because of the lockdown. Only hawkers selling vegetables were on their evening-rounds and a few cows and bulls were roaming around. The bangle seller lived in a hut. Upon reaching there,the mother-daughter duo called out to him and told him that they wanted to buy bangles. He came out in a red shirt and dirty looking white pajamas. He looked very happy. As soon as Rosie saw him, she said, “You do not come to our lane these days”. He said, “No,my child. I stopped doing the rounds of the lanes since the lockdown came into force. Let me show you the bangles.”

There was a whole pile of bangles-plastic bangles, glass bangles and laquer bangles, bangles of different colours—red, green, blue, brown, orange and black, bangles of different sizes for adults and for children of different ages. She liked the red ones encrusted with gems. But they were not in her size. She did not want plastic ones nor the black ones, which were in her size. She was very disappointed. However, Rosie’s mother bought a dozen of the green ones for forty rupees. Rosie loves this colour. Her mother asked the bangle-seller to come to her lane, people are sure to buy bangles in the house of a wedding.

On the stipulated day the house where the wedding was to take place was being decorated. The gate and walls of the house were decorated with plastic flowers. When Rosie got up from bed she saw that her mother had already finished household chores. Taking out her new clothes, Rosie said, “I will wear the red frock. It has a beautiful big flower with a white gem stuck on it.” Rosie looked pretty in this frock. She went to the house of marriage. A stage had been set up. There were very few people on it. A friend of Rosie’s was dancing on it. She came down and took Rosie to the stage. Suddenly she saw the bangle-seller coming with a big sack on his shoulders. She jumped down and rushed to him. He opened his wares. Like the previous day there were all sorts of colourful bangles. He had brought bangles of her size too. She quickly picked up what she wanted and put them on her wrists. She was so happy. She went back to the stage and started dancing with her friend.

Next morning, upon getting up Rosie looked for her mother who had gone to the bride’s place. So she also rushed there. The bride was decked up to leave for her husband’s home. Some five -six people accompanied her. The bride looked beautiful. She had tears in her eyes but also a smile on her lips. Rosie loved that. She talked to her mummy about it. Her mother said happily, “It is good that a daughter of the family got married. This is how marriages should be conducted—few guests, less expense and less noise.” This was the first wedding of the lockdown. Everyone enjoyed it.


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Photo of the bangle-seller by Anjali

Photo of the bangle-seller by Anjali

Original Hindi text:



रोजी की गली मे शादी है। लॉकडाउन लगा हुआ है। जिस घर में शादी है वह तीन मंजिला है। उस घर में चारों ओर टाइल लगा है। उन टाइलों का रंगचॉकलेटी है। उस घर में कुछ मेहमान आए हुए हैं, जिनमें कुछ औरतों के हाथ में चूड़ी है। वहाँ पर  रोजी के मम्मी भी थी लेकिन रोजी के हाथ में चूड़ी नहीं,वह चूड़ी के लिए बहुत दुखी रहती है। वह अपने कमरे मे आकर ताला खोलती हैं, चूड़ी वाले डिब्बे को निकाल कर देखती है। उस डिब्बे मे सिर्फ़ मम्मीकी चूड़ी है। वह चूड़ी रोजी के हाथ में ढीली पड़ती है, वह सोचती है अब मैं क्या करूँ ? शादी तो दस तारीख़ को है, और लॉकडाउन लगा हुआ है। चूड़ीवाला भी चूड़ी बेचने नहीं आ रहा है। रोजी आईने के सामने खड़ी थी, उसके घुँघराले बाल, उसकी वह गोल काली आंखे छोटे से कद के बावजूद उसकीसुंदरता को बढ़ा देती है। वह नीचे प्लाजों और ऊपर टॉप पहनती है। उसकी हथेलियाँ छोटी-छोटी हैं। जिसे वह मम्मी कहती है वास्तव में वह उसकीबुआ हैं। बुआ उसे बहुत चाहती हैं, वह उनकी लाड़ली हैं। बुआ को और कोई संतान नहीं है।    

वह घर के दरवाजे बंद करके अपनी मम्मी के पास फिर जाती है। रास्ते में सोचते हुए जाती है कि अचानक उसे याद आता है कि उसके दोस्त के पापा चूड़ीबेचते हैं। वह यह बात अपनी मम्मी को बताती है– 'मम्मी! घर पर मेरी नाप की एक भी चूड़ी नहीं है।' यह सुन मम्मी कहती है–'अब क्या पहनोगी तुम?' वह  मम्मी से कहती है–'मेरी दोस्त के पापा चूड़ी बेचते हैं, हम उनके घर चलते हैं।'  मम्मी–'ठीक है! परसो चलेंगे।' दो दिन बाद उसकी मम्मी कहतीहै–'शादी तो दस तारीख की है इतनी भी क्या जल्दी?' रोजी कहती है–'नहीं मम्मी कल चलेंगे बाकी जैसी आपकी मर्जी।' वह थोड़ी देर को उदास हो रहतीहै।

वह उत्सुकता से सुबह होने का इंतज़ार करती है कि सुबह जल्दी से आ जाए? सुबह होते ही वह उठकर घड़ी देखती है। घड़ी सात बजा रही थी । मम्मीरात के जूठे बर्तन धो रही थी वह उससे पूछती है–'माँ आपको एक बात याद है न?' मम्मी बोलती है–'हाँ... मुझे याद है तुम्हें चूड़ी दिलाने जाना है। अभीमुझे काम करने दो, तू भी नहा धो लो, मैं भी घर का काम निपटा लेती हूँ।' दिन भर रोजी इंतज़ार करती है।  शाम के पाँच बजे वह मम्मी के साथ चूड़ीवाले के घर जाती है। लॉकडाउन होने की वजह से गली में सिर्फ़ गाय और साँड़ ही दिख रहे थे। शाम होने की वजह से गली में सब्जीवाले रेहड़ियाँ लिएघूम रहे थे। चूड़ी वाला झोपड़ी में रहता था । रोजी दरवाज़े के सामने खड़ी होकर आवाज़ लगाती है। चूड़ी वाला बोलता है कौन है? वह कहती है चूड़ीलेने आई हूँ। चूड़ीवाला जल्दी से बाहर आता है। वह लाल शर्ट और सफ़ेद रंग का मटमैला पैजामा पहने हुए था। उनका चेहरा बिलकुल गोल था। वहबहुत पतला-दुबला था। वह बड़े खुश लग रहे थे। रोजी देखते ही कहती है–'आजकल आप हमारी गली में नहीं आते हो।' चूड़ीवाला बोलता है–'नहीं!बेटी जब से लॉकडाउन लगा है तब से मैंने गलियों में आना-जाना बंद कर रखा है ।

अच्छा। अब आप हमें चूड़ी दिखाएँ । वह उन्हें चूड़ी के ढेर के पास लेकर जाता है।  वहाँ पर बहुत सारी चूड़ियाँ थीं– रंग बिरंगी तरह तरह की, छोटे बच्चोंकी बड़े बच्चों की ,हरी ,पीली, नीली, संतरी ,काली ,चॉकलेटी और रंग की भी थी, प्लास्टिक की चूड़ियाँ भी थीं । उन्होंने पूछा उसे कौन-सी चूड़ी चाहिए?रोजी लाल वाली दिखाने को कहती है। वह पहले उसे सिम्पल वाली दिखाते हैं। ये वाली नहीं वह नग वाली।  वह फिर उसे नग वाली चूड़ी दिखाते है।वह चूड़ी उसके हाथों में बड़ी है। रोजी निराश हो कहती है–'इससे छोटी नहीं है, क्या?' नहीं बेटी इससे छोटी कोई नहीं है, जो है प्लास्टिक की हैं। उसकीमम्मी कहती है–'नहीं! प्लास्टिक की नहीं चाहिए, कोई और रंग में नहीं है क्या?' वह कहता है–'काले रंग की है।' रोजी अपनी मम्मी से बोलती है–'मुझेकाले रंग की नहीं चाहिए, आप घर चलो।' उसकी मम्मी चूड़ीवाले से कहती है–'आप गली मे बेचने नहीं आओगे?' चूड़ीवाला कहता है–'अभी तो सरकारने लॉकडाउन लगा रखा है।' अच्छा! ऐसा करो मेरे नाप की दो दर्जन हरी वाली चूड़ी दे दो। और, किसी दिन तुम मेरी गली में आना, गली में शादी है न! काफी औरतेंं चूड़ी लेंगी। माँ-बेटी झोपड़ी से जैसे ही बाहर निकलीं उनके पीछे-पीछे आकर चूड़ीवाले ने कहा–'कल या परसों आऊँगा।' 'अच्छा चूड़ी केकितने पैसे हुए'–रोजी की मम्मी ने पूछा। 'चालीस रुपया कहने पर रोजी की माँ ने चालीस रुपए निकालकर उन्हें दिए। रोजी अपनी मम्मी की चूड़ियों कोदेखने लगी।  वह चूड़ी उसे बहुत अच्छी लगी क्योंकि हरे रंग की चूड़ी उसे बहुत पसंद है।

नौ तारीख़ को शादी वाले घर को सजाया जा रहा था। गेट को प्लास्टिक के फूल माला से सजाया जा रहा था और घर की दीवारों पर लड़ियाँ लटकाईजा रही थीं। अगली सुबह जब रोजी उठती है तो वह देखती है कि आज मम्मी ने घर का सारा काम कर लिया है । उसने नए कपड़े निकालते हुए माँ सेकहा–'आज  मैं लाल वाला फ्रॉक पहनूँगी, उस फ्रॉक मे एक बहुत बड़ा फूल लगा है। वह बहुत सुंदर फूल है। उस फूल में एक सफ़ेद नग भी लगा है।'  रोजी वह फ्रॉक पहनकर बहुत सुंदर लग रही थी । स्टेज पर लोग बहुत कम ही थे।  बस एक लड़की नाच रही थी वह लड़की भी रोजी की दोस्त ही थी ।वह रोजी के पास आकर उसे स्टेज पर ले जाती है और कहती है–'चल! वहाँ पर डांस करते हैं।

उधर सामने से चूड़ीवाले एक बोरी लेकर आए जिसमें उसी दिन की तरह रंगबिरंगी चूड़ियाँ थीं । आज वह रोजी के नाप की भी चूड़ी लाए थे । वह बगलवाले घर में औरतों को चूड़ी पहना रहे थे, तभी रोजी ने अपनी पसंद की चूड़ी उठा लिया आज तो इन चूड़ियों का हिसाब शादी वाले घर से मिलना था ।रोजी अपनी चूड़ियों को पहनते हुए स्टेज पर जा पहुँची। उसकी दोस्त ने कहा रोजी तुम भी डांस करो । रोजी डांस करने लगी। 

शादी हो जाने के बाद सभी खाना खाकर अपने-अपने घर चले गए। अगली सुबह जब रोजी उठती है और अपनी मम्मी को आवाज़ लगाती है–'मम्मीमम्मी कहां हो?' उसे कोई जवाब नहीं मिलता जब वह घर से बाहर गली में आती है तो उसे पता चलता है कि उसकी मम्मी शादीवाले घर में थी। जहाँकल शादी हुई थी वह वहीं पहुँच जाती है। कमरे मे पाँच से सात लोग बैठे हुए थे । पीछे वाले कमरे मे दीदी अपने ससुराल जाने के लिए सजाई जा रहीथी। मम्मी के साथ और भी औरतें रो रही थीं।  दीदी पाँच सात लोगो के साथ ससुराल के लिए विदा हो जाती है। रोजी  दीदी के ऊपर वाले वाले छत परजाती है। छत पर टंकी थी। वह उसी टंकी पर चढ़कर देखने लगती है।  बाहर गली में पानी की टोटी से गली धोई जा रही थी, ऊपर से दीदी के बालबहुत सुंदर और लंबे लग रहे थे। दीदी जब वहाँ से मेरी तरफ ऊपर देखती है तो उनका गोल चेहरे पर मोटी मोटी आँखों में आँसू थे पर चेहरे पर हल्कीमुस्कान भी थी ।

रोजी अपने घर लौट आती है। शादी की सारी बातें अपनी मम्मी को बताती है। मम्मी कहती है–'चलो अच्छा हुआ परिवार से एक लड़की की शादी होगई। शादी तो ऐसी ही होनी चाहिए, जिसमें लोग कम , खर्च कम और शोर कम हो।

यह लॉकडाउन की पहली शादी थी । सभी ने इन्ज्वॉय किया।    



 लेखिका - अंजली,13 वर्ष,आठवीं कक्षा में पढ़ती हैं. अंकुर क्लब की नियमित रियाज़कर्ता हैं। बी- 261 सावदा घेवरा कॉलोनी , दिल्ली-81 में रहती हैं।
Anjali is 13 years old and is in 8th grade.

This text was translated into English by Jayawati Shrivastava (Jaya), the former director of Ankur—Society for Alternatives in Education.


In Times of No Alternatives


The Silent Terrace